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Speech by the Ambassador of Italy in Japan, Gianluigi Benedetti, on the occasion of the “Altagamma Club” event (Tokyo, 4 October, 2023)

Dear Sabina BELLI, Vice President of Fondazione Altagamma and CEO of Pomellato, Dear Stefania LAZZARONI, General Manager of Fondazione Altagamma, Dear guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening and welcome to the Residence of the Italian Ambassador.

We are very pleased to host the launch event of the “Altagamma Club” Japan. The Italian companies here in Tokyo, the Italian Embassy, and the institutions of the so-called “Sistema Italia” very much welcome this outstanding initiative.

Since 1992, Altagamma’s mission is to promote Made in Italy and to support the companies that represent the best of Italian handcraft, creativity and innovation.

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently recognized the importance of this commitment and has included the “Altagamma Clubs” in the framework agreement signed in 2016 with Fondazione Altagamma to support the Made in Italy sectors around the world.

Japan, as we all know, is a crucial market for high-end Italian companies. Our brands, especially those in the luxury segment, are highly appreciated by Japanese consumers, as confirmed by the extraordinary sales volumes and the widespread presence of our retail stores throughout this country.

The success of our brands is also due to the exceptional quality that characterizes our high-end products and their worldwide reputation. Italy is synonymous with style, beauty and functionality, and its accomplishments in the areas of art, food, fashion, and industry have created a lifestyle that is desired and ollowed in Japan and around the world.

Therefore, we are very pleased for the “Altagamma Club” establishment in Japan and, as you can see from the extensive audience of companies and friends gathered here tonight, I am confident that it will empower our brands to grow even more in this important market.

Let me assure that the Italian institutions will accompany you in this endeavor and will be ready to support the initiatives crafted by “Altagamma Club” Japan.

I wish everyone a pleasant evening and successful work.