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Address by the Ambassador-Designate of Italy, Gianluigi Benedetti on the occasion of the Webinar “Italy-Japan approaches for emerging alternative cancer therapies” Tokyo, October 18, 2021

Dear Minister Messa,

Dear Ambassador Minami,

Dear Nobel Laureate Professor Honjo,

Dear Professors Mantovani, Ghibelli, Pelicci and Cabral,

Dear Participants,

It is my special pleasure to greet you all at the opening of this very important and qualified webinar “Italy-Japan approaches for emerging alternative cancer therapies” as one of the first activities that I am carrying out as the Ambassador designate of Italy to Japan.

Let me firstly thank the Italian Minister of University and Research Maria Cristina Messa for having accepted to deliver a message to open this important scientific event. I am also grateful to the Japanese authorities present today and especially to the exceptional panel of scientists that accepted to intervene.

This webinar is part of a series organized by the Embassy of Italy through our Scientific Counsellor Prof. Enrico Traversa, in the framework of the 2021 Italian Research Program in Japan.

In addition, it is also a concrete initiative developed under the Memorandum of Cooperation in the Field of Health and Medical Sciences between the Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and Italy’s Ministry of Health, which was signed last year and which foresees exchanges of best practices and know how between Italy and Japan in the Medical fields.

As we all know, the Covid emergency has overshadowed other illnesses, but we cannot forget that tumours are one of the major causes of death in the world. In Italy and Japan, cancer is responsible for about 28% of annual deaths and in Japan cancer is the first cause of mortality.

These evidences alone show the highest importance of the current webinar subject. In fact, Italy and Japan, two of the most advanced countries in the world for science and technology, have developed very advanced research and investigation on alternative cancer therapies.

I am therefore looking forward to hearing our distinguished speakers sharing their knowledge of cancer biological mechanisms and how that can translate into the development of novel advanced therapies.

I am sure that this webinar will greatly contribute to a mutual and international understanding of cancer-related studies and their potential applications, spurring further collaborations and synergies, also with other countries. We will welcome such collaborations and we will do our best to promote and support them as part of our bilateral scientific cooperation program.

Please, enjoy the webinar, I am sure it will allow a very fruitful discussion, ensure a stimulating learning experience, and spark new ideas for future joint projects.

Thank you very much