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Address by the Ambassador of Italy, Gianluigi Benedetti, on the occasion of Italy’s National Unity and Armed Forces Day (Tokyo, November 7, 2024)

Dear Minister Nakatani, dear Minister Abe, dear Minister Kiuchi, dear Vice Ministers Fukazawa and Miyake, distinguished members of the Diet, of the diplomatic community and of the Armed Forces. Dear friends.


It is an honor to stand before you today on the occasion of Italy’s National Unity and Armed Forces Day. A day in which we pay homage to the courage and sacrifice of the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our Nation with loyalty and dedication, ensuring peace, security and global stability.


The origins of Italy’s National Unity and Armed Forces Day can be traced back to November 4, 1918, which marked the end of World War I for Italy. Today’s celebration symbolize our belief in the values of peace, freedom and solidarity among Nations, together with our commitment to safeguarding these principles.



I am particularly grateful for the presence here today of such distinguished members of the Japanese Government. Your participation reflects the historic bonds between Italy and Japan, which have grown exponentially over the past two years – ushering in a new era, a shin Jidai as I like to call it.



Thanks to a decisive political impulse from both Rome and Tokyo, the Strategic Partnership launched by our Prime Ministers in 2023 has quickly taken root, and the 2024-2027 Italy-Japan Action Plan adopted in June outlines a broad range of concrete activities, which will further strengthen our bilateral collaboration across sectors, including on defense and security.





Italy and Japan are firmly engaged in the protection of international peace and stability, recognizing – especially in today’s interconnected world – that security is a global affair and that our future is inextricably linked. Instability in the Indo-Pacific would have direct repercussions in Europe, and vice-versa. This is a shared understanding, which has helped shape and enhance our defense cooperation over the past few years.



Our armed forces collaborate in a number of multinational frameworks, often in very difficult circumstances, to maintain peace, support reconstruction efforts, and provide humanitarian assistance. This cooperation is built on a solid foundation of trust and respect, as we work together with like-minded countries to address the complex challenges of our times.


The Global Combat Air Programme, which we are working on with Japan and the United Kingdom, is a testament to this shared commitment. It has already set the stage for joint research and development in cutting-edge technologies, bringing together our respective capabilities, industries and know-how.



On the maritime front, Italy’s presence in Japan and the Indo-Pacific has greatly increased. After the visit of the Morosini multipurpose Patrol Vessel last year, I would highlight the recent port call to Yokosuka by the Italian Carrier Strike Group composed by the Cavour aircraft carrier, the Alpino FREMM Frigate and the Montecuccoli Patrol vessel. In this context, let me also recall the visit of the Navy training tall ship Amerigo Vespucci, a symbol of Italy’s long-standing maritime heritage.



These missions, alongside the robust joint training exercises between our respective Air Forces last year in Komatsu and this year in Misawa, underscore our determination to intensify our cooperation and interoperability with partners and allies, to better contribute to preserving peace, stability, freedom of navigation and the respect of international law around the world.



Against this backdrop, I am proud to acknowledge the dedication of the Italian men and women in uniform serving abroad and at home to protect our Nation, our people and our values. We are grateful for their commitment and professionalism.


To our Japanese friends, who have shown exceptional spirit of cooperation – highlighted by the presence tonight of the Air Force band – let me assure that, in the framework of our new strategic partnership, we will continue to work hand in hand to build a future that will ensure our common security and prosperity for generations to come.


Thank you.