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Greetings by the Ambassador of Italy to Japan, Gianluigi Benedetti on the occasion of the Signing Ceremony of PhD Double Degree Program between Università di Torino and Osaka University (Tokyo, 11 June 2024)

Distinguished Rector of the Università di Torino, Professor Geuna, Distinguished Dean of School of Science of the University of Osaka, Professor Kondo, Dear Professors and Researchers from Torino and Osaka,


It is with extraordinary pleasure that I take part in the signing Ceremony of the PhD Double Degree Program between two excellences of Italian and Japanese Academia: l’Università di Torino and the University of Osaka.


This is indeed an important step forward in the bilateral cooperation in the field of University and Research, adding more opportunities for our students’ mobility and increasing the potential for jointly developing research projects in the future, strengthening our bilateral ties in the field of innovation, science and technology.


University exchanges and joint research activities play in fact a key role in building up solid industrial, scientific and technological bonds between our countries, which now share a Strategic Partnership, launched by our Prime Ministers Giorgia Meloni and Fumio Kishida in January 2023.


One of the pillars of this renewed and enhanced bilateral cooperation is the promotion of academic, scientific and technological collaborations, on which in the years to come the two Governments will invest more, compared to the past, in terms of energies, ideas and resources.


One example of this new approach is the commitment of our Ministries of Research to support two important joint scientific projects, on batteries and gravitational waves, which are now in the final stage of definition.


The Embassy of Italy, which by September will have a new Scientific Attaché and a Space Attaché, is very much keen to supporting this process that the numerous opportunities offered by the Kansai ecosystem and Expo Osaka 2025 will enrich enormously.


Let me conclude by expressing again my sincere congratulations for this important PhD Double Degree Program and my wish to have soon an opportunity to meet you all in person.


Arigatou Gozaimasu to Gambatte Kudasai!