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Intervento dell’Ambasciatore d’Italia, Gianluigi Benedetti, in occasione della firma del Memorandum of Understanding tra “Italgas” e “Tokyo Gas Network” (Tokyo)

Mr. Paolo GALLO, Chief Executive Officer of “Italgas”, Mr. Kunio Nohata, Director and Chairperson of the Board of “Tokyo Gas Network”, good morning and welcome to the Residence of the Italian Ambassador in Tokyo!


We are very honored and pleased to host in this beautiful setting the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between “Italgas” and “Tokyo Gas Network” – two major players in the Italian and Japanese energy distribution markets.


Today’s MoU marks the beginning of a strategic collaboration in key areas of gas distribution and will undoubtedly lay the foundation for “Italgas” and “Tokyo Gas Network” to join forces, collaborate, and share technologies to advance innovative industrial projects.


It also holds great significance for the development of the economic cooperation between Italy and Japan in the field of energy supply and decarbonization, two of the most strategic areas for the prosperity of our economies and the future of our societies.


This agreement is particularly meaningful because it is reached following Prime Ministers Giorgia Meloni and Fumio Kishida decision to elevate the relations between Italy and Japan to a strategic partnership and to strengthen our economic ties in a wide range of hitech sectors, including energy.


In addition, the energy sector has also been bilaterally identified as one of the six priority areas of cooperation at the 33rd General Assembly of the “Italy-Japan Business Group” (IJBG) that took place last month in Tokyo with participation of 120 managers representing 40 companies from both countries.


The upcoming visit to Japan of the Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso is another opportunity to support an acceleration of the growth of our bilateral relationship and in this perspective, the MoU that you are about to sign today provides concrete evidence that opportunities of industrial partnerships do exist.


We are proud of your cooperation and salute this agreement as an example and model for many other companies, as we will keep working to promote and create opportunities for new collaborations between our business communities in the future.


Congratulations and best wishes. Omedetō Gozaimasu to Kore karamo ganbatte kudasai!