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Intervento dell’Ambasciatore d’Italia, Gianluigi Benedetti in occasione della Welcome Ceremony della Nave Vespucci (Tokyo, 25 agosto 2024)

Admiral Madono, Admiral Brutti Bergotto, Captain Lai, Captain Ohta, Officers, crew and Cadets, it is a profound honor and a great emotion for me to welcome to Tokyo the Italian Ship Vespucci.


After the arrival a few days ago of the Italian Carrier Strike Group, this day marks another historical occasion in the enduring relationship between our two nations, a relationship rooted in mutual respect and shared values.


Italy has a long and glorious naval tradition, one that has shaped our nation’s history and continues to inspire our future. From Ancient Rome to the historic Maritime Republics and beyond, Italy has always understood the importance of sea in defending our national interests, projecting our image of an industrial and trading country, and fostering international relations and peace.


In this framework, Vespucci represents the longstanding tradition of excellence of the Italian Navy, carrying the legacy of generations of sailors who became the finest of our Navy officers. Her presence in Tokyo will showcase this tradition, but it is also an opportunity to highlight the excellence of Italian production, innovation and cultural heritage. The Italian Village that accompanies Vespucci in key cities around the world will be an extraordinary window to highlight those excellences.


Finally, let me stress that the presence of Vespucci here today is another testimony of the “strategic partnership” between Italy and Japan, which was launched by our Prime Ministers Giorgia Meloni and Fumio Kishida in January last year, opening a new chapter in our relations, that I would define as “Shin Jidai” – a new era.


I would like to conclude by extending my heartfelt gratitude to our Japanese hosts for the warm welcome given to our Ship and our sailors. We look forward to many more opportunities to strengthen the bonds between our two great maritime Countries.


Thank you.