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Intervento dell’Ambasciatore Gianluigi Benedetti in occasione del seminario sulle neuroscienze organizzato per la Giornata della Ricerca 2022

Dear Speakers,

Dear Participants,

It is with extraordinary pleasure that I welcome you all at the Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo for our first scientific event in person after the beginning of the pandemic!

Today we are celebrating the Italian Research Day in Japan, an initiative promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation together with the Italian Ministry of University and Research, with the interesting seminar “Italian Brains in Japan: Italian Researchers studying Neuroscience in Japan”.

The human brain is the most fascinating and mysterious organ and we still fail to understand the typically human behaviors like consciousness, learning, or memory, making the field of neuroscience one of the most appealing scientific fields that needs multidisciplinary approaches.

Science, technology and innovation are top priorities for our vision for developing the relationships between Japan and Italy.

Amongst the various initiatives, our Embassy is promoting the visibility of the Italian talents who work in Japan, and we became aware of the significant number of Italian researchers at the forefront of neuroscience research working in Japan.

Therefore, we decided to display their innovative research activities with this seminar, organized in collaboration with the Association of the Italian Researchers in Japan (AIRJ), as a portion of the Italian Samurai initiative.

Under the Italian Samurai framework, we are posting online on our social media, videos of Italian Researchers working in Japanese institutions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, and I thank Prof. Sarah Cosentino, President of the Association, for their collaboration.

The presence of Italian researchers in Japan is very important because they are testimonials of the high quality of Italian science and research, but most of all because often they are the bridges for the promotion of collaborations between Japan and Italy.

I am therefore looking forward to hearing our talented speakers sharing their knowledge, and I am sure that this webinar will contribute to fostering collaborations between Italy and Japan in the field of neuroscience.

Please, enjoy the webinar, I wish you a very fruitful discussion and a stimulating learning experience.

Thank you very much.