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Welcome speech of the Ambassador of Italy Gianluigi Benedetti on the occasion of the Ferrari 812 Competizione Private View Tokyo, November 11, 2021

Honorable Members of the Diet Taro Kono and Shintaro Ito, distinguished guests and dear friends, welcome to the Residence of the Italian Ambassador in Japan!

My wife Sabina and I are very pleased to host you tonight to celebrate Ferrari and one of its latest creatures: the Ferrari 812 Competizione, a true “gioiellino”, a combination of superb technology, creativity and craftsmanship.

In this car, once again, the highest technology meets the most accurate Italian design and this special combination of engineering and creativity is what makes all the Ferrari models unique and worldwide known as the best of Made in Italy.

I am very glad to say that Japan is the second largest market in the world for Ferrari, a strategic market, with a great potential for further growth. I therefore wish to thank each and every one of you and all Japanese Ferrari owners and lovers for their enthusiastic affection to our iconic brand.

Very recently, on the occasion of Passione Ferrari Event at the Fuji speedway, I experienced the thrill of driving a Ferrari and I can now better imagine and understand the joy, enthusiasm and passion that will come from owning and driving a Ferrari Limited edition as the one we have here with us tonight.

Congratulations to Ferrari for giving us one additional “dream car”, many thanks to you all for joining us tonight and for your friendship for Italy, and now let’s enjoy this special evening!