

This Embassy drew up a list of professionals operating in its consular district to make them available to users in case of need.

The contact details of the applicants will be included in the list in alphabetical order without any assessment of merit, to inform consular users. Users will be free, at their discretion, to contact the professional they deem most appropriate. The Embassy of Italy does not verify the activity of the registered professionals, nor it is responsible for their conduct. The Embassy assumes no responsibility for the results of the work relationship: users will establish them directly and privately. The Embassy declines all responsibility for damages resulting from inaccuracies or omissions in the personal data provided by professionals.




At the request of interested parties and after verification of the registration requirements, the contact details of professionals are collected in a list made available to consular users. The categories concerned are the following:

  • Lawyers, accountants and notaries
  • Doctors
  • Technicians (engineers, architects…)
  • Translators and interpreters

The contact details of the applicants are included in the list in alphabetical order without any evaluation of merit, for informational purposes. The Embassy does not verify the activity of registered professionals, nor is it liable for their work. The Embassy assumes no responsibility for the outcome of the relationships that will be established exclusively in a direct and private way. The Embassy declines all responsibility for damages deriving from inaccuracies or omissions in the personal data provided by professionals.

Professionals wishing to be included in the list must submit a request (download the form here) to consular.tokyo@esteri.it, attaching:

  1. ID copy;
  2. professional curriculum in Italian or English;
  3. self-certification of the following:
  4. main area of activity;
  5. qualification to practice in Japan;
  6. knowledge of Italian and/or Japanese and/or English and/or other languages;
  7. absence of criminal convictions and pending criminal proceedings.

The list will be updated on a quarterly basis.



Lawyers, accountants and notaries

In addition to the above documentation, it is required to submit:

  1. self-certification of graduation;
  2. self-certification regarding the qualification to practice the profession in Japan, including the possibility to represent the client in the Japanese courts;
  3. any relationships of association or structured collaboration with Italian law firms.

Translators and interpreters

Please note that, based on the documentation produced, an interview in both languages may also be required. In addition to the above documentation, it is required to submit:

  • For Italian professionals:
  1. Obtaining the Japanese Language Proficiency Test 1 (https://www.jlpt.jp/) or a language certificate with a level equivalent to C2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) or a university degree master’s degree in Japanese language and literature at an Italian university or a four-year university degree, in any field, in the Japanese language;
  2. oath with a local notary with an “Apostille”, declaring the ability to translate into Italian and Japanese;
    • For foreign professionals :
  1. Obtaining the CILS QUATTRO-C2 level (https://iictokyo.jp/italian-proficiency-test/) or a language certificate with a level equivalent to C2 (Common European Framework of Reference for the knowledge of languages) or a master’s degree in Italian language and literature obtained from a Japanese university or a master’s degree (or four-year degree of the old system), in any field, in Italian;
  2. oath with a local notary with an “Apostille”, declaring the ability to translate into Italian and Japanese;
  • For professionals who also translate into English:
  1. Obtaining a language certificate with a level equivalent to C2 (Common European Framework of Reference for the knowledge of languages);
  2. oath with a local notary with “Apostille” in which the ability to translate into Japanese, Italian and English languages is declared.