(English below)
等価証明書は、同等または同等性の証明書ではなく、資格の評価に続いてイタリアの行政機関 (教育省、大学研究省、州立学校事務所、大学など)によって証明されます。
CIMEA(Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence)は、さまざまな大学や非学術機関による認定のために、比較可能な証明書および資格検証をオンラインで申請することを提供します。
- 申請書
- 修学修了証書及び外務省で取得した単位の抜粋(英文)(アポスティーユ又は公印確認の手続きについては、下記リンクをご参照ください:
https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/cs/page22e_000416.html )。教育機関がこれらの書類を英語で発行しない場合は、イタリア語翻訳が必要になります。翻訳家にリストはこちらのリンクに御座いますので、ご参考ください。
- パスポートのコピー
- 貴殿の住所の記載されたレッターパック
就労目的の申告には手数料がかかり、レターパックで申請することはできません。consular.tokyo@esteri.it にメールを書き、予約してください。
認定の要件は、専門職のカテゴリーによって異なります。管轄省庁のウェブサイトでそれらを確認してください (一部のページはイタリア語でのみ利用可能です):
予約するか、consular.tokyo@esteri.it に書面で詳細を求めてください。
Declarations of value
The procedure for the recognition of foreign educational qualifications in Italy, for further studies or for work purposes, involves the issuance of the “Declaration of Value” by the competent consular authority. This document states the value of the educational or professional qualifications obtained in the country within the local system.
The Declaration of Value is not a certificate of equivalence or recognition: these are declared by the Italian administrations (Ministry of Education, Ministry of University and Research, Provincial School Offices, Universities, etc.) after evaluating the qualifications.
CIMEA (Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence) offers the possibility to request online Statements of Comparability and Qualification Verification for recognition by several universities and non-academic institutions.
The Embassy in Tokyo issues Declaration of Value for residents within its consular jurisdiction.
The Declaration of Value for study purposes is free of charge and can be requested by mail by attaching:
- Request form;
- Diploma of completion of studies and transcripts of the credits obtained, in English, duly apostilled or legalized by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (for apostille or legalization procedures, please refer to the following link: https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/cs/page22e_000416.html). If the institution does not issue these documents in English, a translation into Italian will be necessary. You can find contacts for some translators
- Copy of the passport;
- Return Letter Pack, with the address written on it;
All documents, including the letter pack with the return address, must be addressed to:
Embassy of Italy in Tokyo
2-5-4 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8302
Declarations of Value for work purposes are subject to a fee and their applications cannot be sent via letter pack. The requirements for recognition vary depending on the professional categories. Check them on the websites of the relevant Ministries (some pages are only available in Italian):
Book an appointment or request more information by writing to consular.tokyo@esteri.it.