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Italian National Day 2018 – Public Bid for Sponsorship

The National Day will take place at the Embassy of Italy.

The reception will host Italian citizens, representatives of the Japanese community (from institutional, entrepreneurial, cultural, academic and media circles), and the diplomatic corps.

The event will be promoted through the Embassy official Website, as well as its Twitter and Facebook accounts. During the event there will be promotional stands, screens and banners.

The Ambassador of Italy to Japan offers the opportunity to sign sponsorship contracts with the Embassy, aimed at acquiring advertising spaces on the occasion of the Italian National Day 2018.

Please kindly refer to the Public Bid for Sponsorship and its Attachment for specific details.



Update of March 20th, 2018 – Partially modifying the previous Public Bid (Point 1, “AIM”), we inform that the reception of the Italian National Day will take place on Friday, June 1st 2018 and NOT on Saturday, June 2nd 2018.

Update of April 27th, 2018 – The Ambassador of Italy to Japan declares that the term for submitting the offers of sponsorship has been extended to Sunday, May 6th 2018. Please kindly refer to the Public Notice signed by the Ambassador of Italy.