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Italian Innovation Day 2019 – Public Bid for Sponsorship

The 2019 edition of the Italian Innovation Day (IID), organized by the Italian Embassy in Tokyo in collaboration with Italian and Japanese public institutions (ICE, Invitalia, Japan External Trade Organization JETRO), will be held on 9 October 2019 at the JETRO headquarters (Ark Mori Building, Tokyo). Fifteen Italian startups and scaleups will have the opportunity to present themselves in front of a vast public of important companies and local investors in search of innovative products, technologies and services.

The initiative will be promoted and enhanced through marketing and communication actions coordinated by this Embassy and addressed to the largest Japanese companies engaged in technological innovation, specialized media (with a focus on bloggers, online newspapers and radio) and communities of entrepreneurs and creatives revolving around the main hubs of the local innovation ecosystem. Information on the event will be published on the website of the Embassy and its institutional social profiles (Twitter and Facebook), as well as on the websites and the social channels of the media and the partners involved.

The Ambassador of Italy to Japan offers the opportunity to sign sponsorship contracts with the Embassy for the realization of the next Italian Innovation Day.

Please kindly refer to the Public Bid for Sponsorship and its Attachment for specific details.



Update of August 1st, 2019 – Partially modifying the previous Public Bid (Point 4, “Submission of Sponsorship Offers”), we inform that the deadline for submitting sponsorship offers has been extended until August 31, 2019, while the deadline for sending documents needed for promotional activities has been set for September 10, 2019.