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Towards climate neutrality within 2050: Italy-Japan approaches to hydrogen deployment

The recent announcement of Prime Minister Suga of the new Japan engagement towards zero emissions within 2050 has opened an intense discussion within the country about how to achieve this strategic goal and its economic viability. Hydrogen deployment is emerging as one of the fundamental tools in this endeavour. Italy, a founding member of the European Union, is co-hosting the COP26 with UK and holds the G20 Presidency. It seems timely to verify the state-of-the-art hydrogen-related technologies in Italy and Japan, thus exploring the possibility of further collaborations and synergies.


Venue: Online (Zoom)

REGISTRATION: Please Click Here

Date & Time: 9 February 2021, 17.00-19.00 JST (9.00-11.00 Italian time)

Working Language: English



[17.00-17.05] Welcome and Opening Remarks – H.E. Giorgio Starace (Ambassador of Italy to Japan)

[17.05-17.10] “Accelerating clean energy transition and halting climate change: priorities of the Italian G20 Energy-Climate” – Couns. Nicola Bazzani, Deputy Head Office (Energy, Environment), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Italy

[17.10-17.15] “Promoting a clean and resilient recovery towards net-zero: Italy’s priorities in the run-up to COP26 and beyond” – Dr. Bianca Longobardi (Energy, Environment and Climate Multilateral Processes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Italy)

[17.15-17.20] Introduction by the Moderator – Prof. Enrico Traversa (Science and Technology Attaché, Embassy of Italy)

[17.20-17.40] “Hydrogen Energy: A Japanese Perspective” – Prof. Kazunari Sasaki, Vice President of Kyushu University, Director of the International Research Center for Hydrogen Energy

[17.40-18.00] “Advanced electrolysis technologies for green hydrogen production” – Dr. Antonino Arico’, Director of the Institute of Advanced Energy Technologies “Nicola Giordano” (ITAE), National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

[18.00-18.20] “Toshiba’s hydrogen energy business activities: Fuel Cell Power module for mobility vehicles” – Mr. Shoei Matsuda, Fuel Cell Technical General Manager, Hydrogen Energy Business Div., Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation

[18.20-18.40] “Progress of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and solid oxide electrolyzer (SOE) technologies at SolidPower SpA” – Dr. Dario Montinaro, SolidPower S.p.A.

[18.40-19.00] Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks