
Italian Innovation Day 2020 – Call for Application

The fifth edition of the Italian Innovation Day, organized by the Embassy of Italy in Tokyo in collaboration with other Italian and Japanese public institutions (ICE, Invitalia, Japan External Trade Organization JETRO), will be held online on November 5th and 6th, 2020.
Sixteen startups and scaleups will have the chance to pitch in front of a wide audience of important corporations and investors.
A quota of five startups is reserved to companies that have received funding from Smart & Start Italia, an incentive program managed by Invitalia.
All interested Italian based companies are invited to fill in the attached application form, using one of the following options:
Google form (application online)
Word file or PDF file for handwritten application to be sent to econaff.tokyo@esteri.it or via fax to +81-3-3456-2319.

When submitting application, each candidate should address one or more of the following main common challenges faced by Italy and Japan:
• Coping with the Covid-19 crisis: solutions for recovery and safety
• Improving quality of life in ageing societies
• Moving towards a clean growth and a resource-efficient economy

Main sectors and verticals of interest are:
• Fintech, Insurtech, Regtech
• AI, IoT, Big data
• Blockchain, Cyber Security
• RPA (Robotic Process Automation), Robotics
• Wearable devices, Smart Devices
• AR, VR
• Mobility, Connected car
• Healthcare, Medtech, Preventive Medical Treatment
• Agritech, Foodtech
• Materials and Nanotechnologies
• Smart factories, Smart communities and Smart home
• Energy, Environment, Green economy
• Logistics and infrastructures
• Sharing economy, E-commerce, Marketing
• Creativity and Design
• Tourism and Entertainment
• Gaming
For more information about requirements and conditions, please refer to the attached Call for Application.

The deadline for applications is Sept 14th, 2020.

For more information about the Italian Innovation Day in Tokyo, please visit the website at the address https://ambtokyo.esteri.it/ambasciata_tokyo/it/informazioni_e_servizi/fare_affari_nel_paese/italian-innovation-day/italian-startups-meet-japan.html, where you can find videos and information on the scale-ups and startups invited in the previous editions.
For further information about the call, please send an email to econaff.tokyo@esteri.it.